Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thing 21

Looking at gather I feel that I like that a little better than my space because you have the option of creating tags to help the user find a specific topic. I didn't see this on my space. (Maybe the site I looked at didn't use them?) I thought the information was much more organized and not as haphazard. Web junction I have heard about but haven't checked out before today. This was kind of cool. The organization was good because it was very easy to locate the area of the web junction you wanted to look at. Just for fun I typed in my name in the search box and found my graduate paper listed. I was surprized that it even linked me to amazon to see if I could buy my paper. I would have been even more surprized if I had found that I could buy a copy of my paper, (it said not available.) I think that this may be a site that I will check out more often. I accidently originally set up my first blog under the ning site. Some of you may find it out there but I haven't been maintaining that one since this is the one they wanted me to use for the project instead. I may keep up one of these blogs I am not sure of that yet. I will see what time allows. The My Space article wouldn't open for me so I wasn't able to read it.
I left a message for someone who asked to added to my friends in the ning location. I may keep up with this site after this is over.

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