Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing 11

This thing had us using to try and manage web sites. I can see a lot of potential for this so that you would be able to access your bookmarks from a remote location like a public library. I like the way that you can connect to other links so that you can see that they connect to yours and you can even add them to your site as you locate them. I could see this being used to connect students to research items when they are doing a project but it would need to be created so that students would have access to a common site. I would like to explore using it to manage the web sites that I have my students use so that I wouldn't necessarily have them all sitting on my web pages because the tags would almost make it easier to use than trying to set up an organization on the web pages. I am going to add a note to myself to see if I can try and use this in my classroom for this purpose. One question I have is does this service monitor dead links and remove them or will you encounter them and need to remove them yourself?

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