Monday, March 10, 2008

Thing 5 part 4

This could be used easily in a school library by taking pictures of book covers and having kids add information to the cover that they might be interested in sharing for a picture book talk or report. I think sharing photos is fun but I would be careful not to publically publish anything with a person's picture on it without their permission or their parent's permission as well. I would also be careful about teaching students to give credit to the photos if they were to do a project where they got the photo from someone else. As far as adding the stuff I did to my blog I didn't even have to make sure that I copied any code, as long as I was signed in to flickr and my blog under a different window all I had to do was click on the blog this spot from flickr and my stuff was sent directly to my blog. I also now have figured out how to get my rss working and the new stuff getting added to my blog is also going over to that as well.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

In case you didn't check it out, here's how I use Flickr in the libraries at the College of St. Benedict/St. John's University:

Just click a picture to open it up and move your mouse over the books...I think this is a fun way to use it. We get such good feedback on this, too!

LeAnn Suchy
CMLE 23 Things Coach