These cards are great ways to talk about different sections of the library. Good idea!
You might want to think about doing a tour of your libraries on your Flickr account, like I have done for our open a floor plan and it links to the pictures of certain parts of the floor:
I am a media specialist at an elementary school in Minnesota and I am setting this blog up as a means to participate in a program in which I will learn about different web tools. I enjoy playing with the University of Minnesota Alumni Band for various activities. I was a member of the marching band for 5 years during college.
1 comment:
These cards are great ways to talk about different sections of the library. Good idea!
You might want to think about doing a tour of your libraries on your Flickr account, like I have done for our open a floor plan and it links to the pictures of certain parts of the floor:
LeAnn Suchy
CMLE 23 Things Coach
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