Friday, March 28, 2008

Thing 19

I got a quick introduction to g-cast when I took a session with the MN historical society, (they also showed us the toon do as well.) She showed us how she would phone in notes for an assignment for her students using her cell phone and then the students were able to listen to those notes via the pod cast. I liked checking out and liked the fact they had a directory on the side that you could subject search if you didn't have topic to search for. Yahoo only gave a search bar.
I really like podcast alley they had a genre selection plus a top ten list for the previous month. I found something related to harry potter and followed the directions to get it to i-tunes but I had to go to the i-tunes help page to get it posted. I also checked out one from mpr that just simply downloaded an old episode to my computer and I played and deleted it when I was done. I also downloaded a podcast using i-tunes and that was very easy to get but there was an error when I tried to listen to it. I am going to leave this harry potter podcast on and try it out for a while. I do like the use that I was shown for using g-cast earlier this year I think that is a very beneficial use of a pod cast.

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