Monday, March 17, 2008

Thing 10

I actually was introduced to wiki's during a conference in St. Cloud sponsored by the MN History center. I thought the wiki was easier to edit and add things to than using google docs. This is another source that I would like to pursue a little more. I know that some people have used them to communicate with their students and let them add information to a topic as well. I have let students use wikipedia at times to gather information but I do warm them that some of the information posted there may not necessarily be the most accurate because anyone can post to them. How can we tell when using a wiki if the authors are experts in their field? Through the MN History project I did try starting something on wiki spaces but have yet to get back to it to give it more of a try. I was going to see if a group of friends could use it to get information faster than using our e-mail. I added a comment and a picture to the mn 23 wiki page. I signed it as jlundholm.

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