Thursday, September 12, 2013


This summer has been my inaugural trip into online learning. I feel I am pretty good with technology but this has been scary and frustrating at times. Presenting has given classmates issues, thankfully not me. I was so scared I would have tech issues with my final presentation that since half of the students were live in the class I decided to join them that day. I miss not knowing what my classmates look like and the face to face interaction. I think when Mert had three students show up live the last day it was nice he turned the camera on them so we could see that they looked like. Unfortunately they couldn't share their snacks with those of us at home. Classes this way do save me from having to drive ninety minutes each week for class though and my dog can keep me company during class. We have video screens that hook up through the Internet at school and a monitor can manage different locations, maybe face to face would be nice.

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